《最终决战(THE FINALS)》中比较难做的成就是非常多的,火雨跳板王就是其中一个,而这个成就的要求就是在陨石雨事件中使用跳板弹射一枚陨石,成就难度很大,想要做可以在陨石雨发生的时候做,在陨石区域内随便放个跳板,很大概率就有了。
火雨跳板王 Space Rock Skipper
Bounce a meteor off a Jump Pad during the Meteor Showers event
During the Meteor Showers event, simply place a jump pad anywhere within the meteor area. There's a high probability of achieving it this way. It's not particularly difficult if you specifically bring a jump pad and wait for the meteor shower.